This week we close out the season with Cloudy With A Chance of Meatloaf 2 starring Meatloaf singing Paradise By The Dashboard Light in the kind of animation only the best minds, or what's left of the best minds, at Pixar could create with little sleep and even littler imagination. That's followed by our second feature, Don Ho, about a Hawaiian singing star with a silly sex addiction who meets a Ho played by Julia Roberts, who uses a Hoe to plant a neighborhood garden that brings everybody together for all the right reasons and, well, we don't want to spoil the ending, though it's pretty obvious what happens.
And finally, we're ending our year with another locally made film from Phil Fuller at Phil Fuller's Film School In A Day , Crazy Credits. Crazy Credits assembles all the credits from every film played over the summer and edits them together in a way that leaves no comic cut ups on the cutting room floor.
The Olinoy Drive In off of Route 127 near the frontage road exit or the first right past that one sign that is still available for commercial advertising. You know the one. The Olinoy Drive In- Where movies mix with motors and other environmental sounds.