BITS featured on Jonathon Brandmeier's Morning show On the loop, WLUP-FMIf you're looking for Joe, The Love Potato, Edie, The Breakfast Fairy or Starbeats Present's What's Happenin' please visit their separate pages. Click their name here or find them under the Radio Archives section of the menu above.
A smattering of everything else that showed up on Jonathon Brandmeier's Radio Showgram is right here. From the bit that often started it all off in the morning, to the stomach curdling comedy of Sal Monella to the one that got played every time the Grateful Dead came to town.... Night Of The Living Deadheads. Often jokes that worked the best for Johnny's show were "topical" ones, and in Chicago at the time, that meant The Bears! Hence, The Bear Necessities, our on-going parody of sports shows filled with information that either everybody already knows or no one needs to, and our take on where the popularity of William Perry, a nationally known Bear's lineman, could take him beyond the confines of his football career. The PJ Parties bit was from when Johnny was promoting The World's Biggest Pajama Party. And The Radio Song was a little ditty that we gave to every radio station that played our stuff nation-wide. It was an audio version of those direct mail letters that companies would print your name in with a handwritten font to make it seem like it was written specifically to you. We'd change the "dropped in" portions for whoever was getting a copy. Dr. Demento had one and so did about 14 "morning shows" from California to North Carolina, from South Dakota to Georgia that played our comedy on an on-going basis. There was much, much more, so we're planning on adding to this archive every now and again. Come back sometime and hear the rest of what made us regulars on Johnny's " Morning Showgram." |