"Polka Dots" by Debbie Harrison
Why "Polka" Dots? Hmmmm? Why? C'mon, I can't be the only one wonderin'. Why don't we ever hear about Waltz-Dots, or Jitterbug-Dots, or Texas Two-Step-Dots?
Ballet-Dots??? I haven't seen 'em. Cha-Cha-Dots seem like a natural but nope, none to be found.
And don't even bring up Flamenco-Dots, Bolero-Dots or Tango-Dots, unless you wanna be stared at long and hard by the lady behind the fabric counter at HobbyTown, and hear her snort at you, "'cuz it hasn't happened yet and it ain't gonna," like she's some kind of queen of the fabric psychics,
or something.
Now I've always believed Hula-Dots or Rhumba-Dots could be popular. Both dances seem to have enough panache to pull off dots. And I know I'd be first in line to wear some Limbo-Dots, wouldn't you? They just sound like fun. Limbo Dots! Say it with your real low voice, Limboooo Dottssss! C'mon, you giggled too, right?
But no, we live in a world where the polka is only dance celebrated in fabric with dots, and I may never know why. But I'll keep askin'... for all of us.
You're welcome.
Why "Polka" Dots? Hmmmm? Why? C'mon, I can't be the only one wonderin'. Why don't we ever hear about Waltz-Dots, or Jitterbug-Dots, or Texas Two-Step-Dots?
Ballet-Dots??? I haven't seen 'em. Cha-Cha-Dots seem like a natural but nope, none to be found.
And don't even bring up Flamenco-Dots, Bolero-Dots or Tango-Dots, unless you wanna be stared at long and hard by the lady behind the fabric counter at HobbyTown, and hear her snort at you, "'cuz it hasn't happened yet and it ain't gonna," like she's some kind of queen of the fabric psychics,
or something.
Now I've always believed Hula-Dots or Rhumba-Dots could be popular. Both dances seem to have enough panache to pull off dots. And I know I'd be first in line to wear some Limbo-Dots, wouldn't you? They just sound like fun. Limbo Dots! Say it with your real low voice, Limboooo Dottssss! C'mon, you giggled too, right?
But no, we live in a world where the polka is only dance celebrated in fabric with dots, and I may never know why. But I'll keep askin'... for all of us.
You're welcome.