Dear Zombie,
I'm thinking of putting together a kid's book called "Zombie On A Zamboni," 'cuz two of my favorite things are zombies and hockey. (Go Hawks!) Anyway, I'm talking with every zombie I can find to do research for it. Is there anything I should know that you can tell me before I get started? – THE GRINDER
Dear Grinder,
The main thing you should definitely know is… never tell another writer your book idea until you've got a publisher and due date. Especially a zombie writer, when its clear the idea would sell much easier coming from an actual zombie. I'm also a "Hawk-ey" fan and actually have a picture of myself on one of their zambonis. It's gonna make a great image for the book flap bio. I will say thank you as well though, "Thank You," and that's more than you'd get from most writers. Now you know.
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Dear Zombie,
Once someone becomes a zombie, is that it? I mean is there ever any way they can come back? Like a spell, or a special drink or something? 'Cuz my parents really get upset when something happens to my kid brother while I'm supposed to be watching him. I could be looking at a life grounding here. - DEEP TROUBLE
Dear Trouble,
I hate to be the bearer of bad news… but once a zombie, always a zombie. I say let your brother tell your parents the news himself. He'll convince them there's nothing they can or should do about it. Of course, then they'll probably all want to have short a "family meeting" with you. But at least you won't be grounded.
(ED. Note: If you'd like to Talk With the Zombie, just head over to our CONTACT page and addres your question to "Dear Zombie" in the comment box!)
I'm thinking of putting together a kid's book called "Zombie On A Zamboni," 'cuz two of my favorite things are zombies and hockey. (Go Hawks!) Anyway, I'm talking with every zombie I can find to do research for it. Is there anything I should know that you can tell me before I get started? – THE GRINDER
Dear Grinder,
The main thing you should definitely know is… never tell another writer your book idea until you've got a publisher and due date. Especially a zombie writer, when its clear the idea would sell much easier coming from an actual zombie. I'm also a "Hawk-ey" fan and actually have a picture of myself on one of their zambonis. It's gonna make a great image for the book flap bio. I will say thank you as well though, "Thank You," and that's more than you'd get from most writers. Now you know.
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Dear Zombie,
Once someone becomes a zombie, is that it? I mean is there ever any way they can come back? Like a spell, or a special drink or something? 'Cuz my parents really get upset when something happens to my kid brother while I'm supposed to be watching him. I could be looking at a life grounding here. - DEEP TROUBLE
Dear Trouble,
I hate to be the bearer of bad news… but once a zombie, always a zombie. I say let your brother tell your parents the news himself. He'll convince them there's nothing they can or should do about it. Of course, then they'll probably all want to have short a "family meeting" with you. But at least you won't be grounded.
(ED. Note: If you'd like to Talk With the Zombie, just head over to our CONTACT page and addres your question to "Dear Zombie" in the comment box!)