Dear Zombie,
What does it feel like to be a zombie? A lot of the kids at school are sayin' if your'e gonna be cool ya gotta go zombie. Some of them are really puttin' the pressure on. It sounds like it could be fun, but my parent's have always warned against it. I'm really curious, I mean there's a lot of things grown-ups have told me not to do that ended being very cool and fun. I'm just not so sure about this zombie thing. - ZOMBIE CURIOUS
Dear Curious,
You're probably asking the wrong person. I'm pretty pro-zombie, so I'm more than a little biased in this area. I think it feels great! And it hardly hurts that much at all. But it's a kinda like losing your virginity, once you go there you really can't go back… so it's important to be absolutely sure about your answer on the "to zombie or not to zombie" question. All I can tell you for certain is that there are more of us every day, so you'll never be alone. ;-)
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Dear Zombie,
Why is being a zombie such a big deal nowadays? There's the "The Walking Dead," "World War Z," reruns of "Zombieland" & "Shaun Of The Dead" on cable every other day…. I mean, I think they're cool and everything, but so are a lot of other things. - VAMPIRE LOVER
Dear VL,
When my dad was growing up there weren't many actual zombies around, and "Night Of The Living Dead" was pretty much the only zombie flick in town. It wasn't shown on TV for a very long time, so if you didn't catch it at the theater, then you lived a pretty much zombieless life. Now there are just so damn many of us, with more coming every day. So… sorry, but like it or not, don't expect to see an end to zombie themed entertainment anytime soon. I have no doubt they'll be sneaking it into advertising shortly as we're quickly becoming a "demographic." And I have no problem with that, Zombies rule!
(ED. Note: If you'd like to Talk With the Zombie, just head over to our CONTACT page and addres your question to "Dear Zombie" in the comment box!)
What does it feel like to be a zombie? A lot of the kids at school are sayin' if your'e gonna be cool ya gotta go zombie. Some of them are really puttin' the pressure on. It sounds like it could be fun, but my parent's have always warned against it. I'm really curious, I mean there's a lot of things grown-ups have told me not to do that ended being very cool and fun. I'm just not so sure about this zombie thing. - ZOMBIE CURIOUS
Dear Curious,
You're probably asking the wrong person. I'm pretty pro-zombie, so I'm more than a little biased in this area. I think it feels great! And it hardly hurts that much at all. But it's a kinda like losing your virginity, once you go there you really can't go back… so it's important to be absolutely sure about your answer on the "to zombie or not to zombie" question. All I can tell you for certain is that there are more of us every day, so you'll never be alone. ;-)
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Dear Zombie,
Why is being a zombie such a big deal nowadays? There's the "The Walking Dead," "World War Z," reruns of "Zombieland" & "Shaun Of The Dead" on cable every other day…. I mean, I think they're cool and everything, but so are a lot of other things. - VAMPIRE LOVER
Dear VL,
When my dad was growing up there weren't many actual zombies around, and "Night Of The Living Dead" was pretty much the only zombie flick in town. It wasn't shown on TV for a very long time, so if you didn't catch it at the theater, then you lived a pretty much zombieless life. Now there are just so damn many of us, with more coming every day. So… sorry, but like it or not, don't expect to see an end to zombie themed entertainment anytime soon. I have no doubt they'll be sneaking it into advertising shortly as we're quickly becoming a "demographic." And I have no problem with that, Zombies rule!
(ED. Note: If you'd like to Talk With the Zombie, just head over to our CONTACT page and addres your question to "Dear Zombie" in the comment box!)