Our gal, Jan, at the Information Desk is glad to help you with your queries and questions about everything Duck Logic, but she also wants you to know that she is more than a pretty face and posed photo. She is actually a lot of fun when she gets off work, and nobody knows that better than Donna in Customer Service:
"One time we dared Jan to drink coffee and leave the mug next to her unprotected laptop screen. I think you know what happened next. I mean, we don't have to draw a picture for you when a photo will do the job. Jan is definitely playing fast and loose with the rules and making a mockery of her poorly worded job description. I guess that's why we like her so much."
Jan then pulled a skill out of thin air that nobody knew she had: the skill of quipping. "I'm laughing on the outside, but I'm really laughing on the inside! I mean really laughing on the inside. On still winter nights you can almost hear the laughter," quipped our desk diva and information station sensation before immediately going back to work and completing a mundane activity that anyone else would find stomach turning and, quite frankly, beneath their place on the food chain.
"One time we dared Jan to drink coffee and leave the mug next to her unprotected laptop screen. I think you know what happened next. I mean, we don't have to draw a picture for you when a photo will do the job. Jan is definitely playing fast and loose with the rules and making a mockery of her poorly worded job description. I guess that's why we like her so much."
Jan then pulled a skill out of thin air that nobody knew she had: the skill of quipping. "I'm laughing on the outside, but I'm really laughing on the inside! I mean really laughing on the inside. On still winter nights you can almost hear the laughter," quipped our desk diva and information station sensation before immediately going back to work and completing a mundane activity that anyone else would find stomach turning and, quite frankly, beneath their place on the food chain.