(And I don’t imagine a lot of kids sittin’ in for the day on daddy’s skip loader.)
When it started back in 1993, it was called “Take Your Daughter to Work Day” as a way to show young girls that, like men, they too can struggle to find personal fulfillment through mindless busy work that ultimately only makes the CEO richer.
“Take Your Daughter to Work Day” soon became a day of free babysitting for kids of either gender.
But the true meaning of “Take Your Kids to Work Day” seems to have gotten lost over the last three decades— and that’s: fantasies… are for kids...
Cowboys make crap money, little Jason. Ninjas have lousy 401Ks. Good luck with that Princess dream, little Britany; Meghan Markle’s got that gig sewn up. Get real. Get serious. What’re you, ten? Chase those dreams ‘til you’re blue in the face, kiddies... but do it on your own time!
Sitting in the corner of mommy or daddy’s cubicle, you’ll see why they like cocktails so much. Watching them return countless emails, suck up to the boss, or try and stay awake in endless meetings, makes Give Your Kids a Good Cold Slap in the Face Day a priceless experience that gives children a peek 50, 60 years into their future. That is, if they aren’t laid off after they turn 40 because their health insurance costs the company too much.
So, pay attention little ones, Take Your Kids to Work Day is just the first day of the rest of your so-called life.