Hello, Duck Logic fans. My name is Dick Carter and I am the CEO of this ever expanding media empire. That is a photo of me that is turned into a drawing. It's all done with smoke and mirrors for shits and giggles as we used to say in the days before Facepage, Twatter, Blabbing, and all these other ways that the kids are getting to know each other before engaging in the kind of relationships that leave them emptier than a nightclub when a prop comic is the headliner.
I just wanted to take this time to tell you how thrilled we are with the job the gang is doing and if you ever want me to stand up for you at a wedding or put in a good word for you at the local hardware store, I'd be more than pleased to help out. That book I have in front of me is my contact book and I know all kinds of people in this world who owe me a favor or just aren't able to say no to a man who isn't afraid to still use a dial tone phone and a square table desk that I bet that Charlie Rose wishes he could borrow for one magic night.
Remember our motto here at Duck Logic Headquarters: Duck Logic goes the extra mile to bring a smile to your day and find a better route home from work to avoid all this darned traffic. That's all, I will try to address you each month with more corporate news and some folksy spin on something that doesn't need a folksy spin, like corporate news or urban decay.
I just wanted to take this time to tell you how thrilled we are with the job the gang is doing and if you ever want me to stand up for you at a wedding or put in a good word for you at the local hardware store, I'd be more than pleased to help out. That book I have in front of me is my contact book and I know all kinds of people in this world who owe me a favor or just aren't able to say no to a man who isn't afraid to still use a dial tone phone and a square table desk that I bet that Charlie Rose wishes he could borrow for one magic night.
Remember our motto here at Duck Logic Headquarters: Duck Logic goes the extra mile to bring a smile to your day and find a better route home from work to avoid all this darned traffic. That's all, I will try to address you each month with more corporate news and some folksy spin on something that doesn't need a folksy spin, like corporate news or urban decay.