Jean, here, to keep you up to date on what the world looks like from a mother's perspective. I know it's been awhile since I last wrote an original column for this space and I appreciate Sandy Sanders ably filling in with Sandy's Sentiments. It's nice to know that I can take some me time to visit my other son and not have to worry about this column.
I should let you know that my other son, Greg, is going to be promoted to Vice President at his company and that his wonderful wife, Alexis, is expecting their third child any day now. It's amazing what a real family looks like when you only visit them once a year. I sure do love their children. Caden is 5 and entering some sort of Christian Kindergarten that teaches the alphabet, if the letters were signals of the coming apocalypse. It also has a wonderful character building unit where the children learn how to survive the end times on a bag of granola and the kindness of strangers. Catie is 7 and completing the second grade, where she is learning how to live in a pioneer cabin and make sense of a world that scorns the family values of a society that still uses the term child bride a little to frequently for my taste. To each their own, right?
I just found it so refreshing to live for a week without the constant interruptions of electricity, running water, and up to the minute information. I know my other son would say I'm playing favorites, but, then again, he's the one who chose to marry the stripper and send his kids to the infernal hell that is public education, but that's for another column. We're always about putting a smile on your face and a mother's perspective in your hearts. Don't forget the Ladies Auxillary has the annual fundraiser coming up. It's Sonsense, a very funny play about being a son in this topsy turvy world. Until next time, love with an open heart, live with an open mind, and talk with an open mouth.
I should let you know that my other son, Greg, is going to be promoted to Vice President at his company and that his wonderful wife, Alexis, is expecting their third child any day now. It's amazing what a real family looks like when you only visit them once a year. I sure do love their children. Caden is 5 and entering some sort of Christian Kindergarten that teaches the alphabet, if the letters were signals of the coming apocalypse. It also has a wonderful character building unit where the children learn how to survive the end times on a bag of granola and the kindness of strangers. Catie is 7 and completing the second grade, where she is learning how to live in a pioneer cabin and make sense of a world that scorns the family values of a society that still uses the term child bride a little to frequently for my taste. To each their own, right?
I just found it so refreshing to live for a week without the constant interruptions of electricity, running water, and up to the minute information. I know my other son would say I'm playing favorites, but, then again, he's the one who chose to marry the stripper and send his kids to the infernal hell that is public education, but that's for another column. We're always about putting a smile on your face and a mother's perspective in your hearts. Don't forget the Ladies Auxillary has the annual fundraiser coming up. It's Sonsense, a very funny play about being a son in this topsy turvy world. Until next time, love with an open heart, live with an open mind, and talk with an open mouth.